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Facts & Secrets About Dublin

The Book of Kells

Miguel B

The Book of Kells is a sacred and important historical text dating from around 800 A.D., making it one of the oldest books in the world. The book gets its name from the Abbey of Kells, which was its original home until the continuous attacks of the Vikings proved to be a big threat. Since the 15th century it has been at Trinity College for safekeeping.

At present, the Book of Kells attracts over 500,000 visitors to Trinity College each year. 

The Book of Kells is an illustrated manuscript created by Celtic monks that depicts the 4 gospels of the New Testament in Latin, as well as other texts. The manuscript is well known for its illustrations with vibrant colours and patterns that enhance Christian images, mythical creatures and Celtic knots. No other manuscript of its kind boasts such fine craftsmanship and attention to detail.